
Chicago State University dedicates considerable resources to enhancing student learning
and ensuring excellence in assessment. All academic programs, including general education,
follow a regular process of faculty-driven assessment, using results of multiple assessment
instruments (direct and indirect) to inform programmatic change.
CSU places considerable emphasis on advancing and documenting its assessment efforts.
Pursuit of excellence in assessment includes the validation of all academic programs
either by means of accreditation reviews or other required program reviews performed
to meet Illinois Board of Higher Education cyclical program review requirements, those
of external accreditation agencies, and those of the program missions themselves.
Institutional Assessment Plan 2020-2025
The Office of Academic Affairs works on behalf of the Provost to coordinate assessment
on campus. University Coordinators for academic programs, general education courses,
and cocurricular activities, work in collaboration with individual faculty coordinators
and staff in these three areas to conduct annual assessments of student learning and
to provide data that will inform future improvement.
The Office of Academic Affairs also promotes ongoing support and guidance for the
assessment of student learning through shared resources, fall and spring assessment
conferences for coordinators, and feedback on assessment reports. All assessment resources
are housed in the University Assessment Committee course shell on our learning management
system where they can be easily accessed by assessment coordinators and chairs.
Our goals are to document student learning throughout our campus, provide support
for our assessment coordinators, and use assessment reports to continuously improve
student learning.
Chicago State University participated in a three-year long Assessment Academy offered
through the Higher Learning Commission, which concluded in October 2023. The goals
and achievements for the program are listed on the following poster.